- Fuel Tank & Exhaust System Division

This unit has been set up with the objective of catering to the growing demand of Exhaust Systems, stamped and powder coated parts for White Goods automotive industries. It was established in the year 2004 as the exclusive supplier of Air Conditioner Cabinet assembly for Samsung India. It is a full Exhaust System Supplier with fully automated muffler manufacturing facility and can accommodate BS III, BS IV, EU IV & BS V emission norms. The Plant is equipped with a state-of-art technology consisting of MIG-Welding, 4-Point Bending Machine, Press Shop etc. and a fully Conveyerized Powder Coating system with robotic reciprocators powder coating gun to ensure uniform coating.

Plot No. 4, Sector-2, I.I.E. (SIDCUL) Ranipur, Haridwar (U.K.)-249403

Our Quality Policy

We, all employees at SHARDA MOTOR INDUSTRIES LTD., are committed to increase our customer base by ensuring total customer satisfaction by manufacturing World Class Exhaust & Sheet Metal body parts for automobile industries for Indian as well as Export Market.

This shall be achieved by continual improvement in all areas of operation giving emphasis on customer requirements and meeting total customer satisfaction.